Lacrosse player Mike Leveille keeps adding to his long list of accomplishments. Member of the 2008 national championship team, Tewaaraton Trophy winner, Lowes Senior Class Award Winner, first team all-america as an athlete and student, drafted 3rd in the Major League Lacrosse draft. How could it get better than that? Well, now you can add an endorsement as Leveille's now a member of the Warrior Players Club.
While Leveille is already playing professionally, Donte' Green is preparing for the NBA Draft held on June 26. Green has had private workouts for a number of lottery teams, the most recent being with the New Jersey Nets. While there, Green gave an interview and talked about his decision to enter the draft and how the Syracuse fans have treated him. Which we all know hasn't been very well after the announcement.
Even I wanted Donte' to stay, but folks get over it. If millions of dollars were staring you in the face, would you turn them down? Didn't think so. He is guaranteed to go in the lottery or just outside of it. Just how much his stock would have improved if he stayed another year is debatable. What's not is that he is a good player and person, and I wish him the best of luck.

I went to the exhibition game in 2003 when the Nuggets played the Detroit Pistons. It was great to see Anthony back on the floor after winning the national championship that year. While Anthony has made some poor decisions in the past few years, I will definitely be there to show my appreciation once again.